The first order low pass filter consists of a resistor and a capacitor connected in series. Since these are very complex calculations, we also provide a low pass filter calculator. We explain the elements of each low pass, how it works and how to calculate a low pass filter. Also in network filters, a low pass is often used to remove transmitted parasitic frequencies from the power grid.Įxperts distinguish between 1st order low pass and second order low pass filter. It is used, for example, in the construction of woofers to improve their acoustics. When using an operational amplifier, we have an active low pass.Ī low-pass filter is used when fast and abrupt voltage changes at the output are undesirable. The term passive merely means that the low pass filter circuit is constructed without an amplifying element. General information about the low pass filterĪ low pass designates a component in electrical engineering that attenuates or blocks high frequencies and allows low frequencies to pass largely unhindered.