The folks at Deep Silver recognized just how crazy their own game was, which is why they took the time to make sure Saints Row 4 had mods. Saints Row 4 completely jumped genres from sandbox crime game in the style of Grand Theft Auto to sandbox superhero game in the style of Infamous or Crackdown, with an infusion of The Matrix as well, which was the “scientific” explanation for giving the Saints superpowers as they attempted to fend off an alien invasion of Earth after their newly formed political party was elected into the White House. The third game gave the Saints a visual upgrade, and the fourth? Well, they just went crazy.
I was first introduced to the game during its second installment, back when it was at least marginally more sane, and Saints Row 2 ended up being one of my favorite games of that year. Saints Row continues to be one of my favorite video games in existence, as it’s one of the only games out there with a true sense of humor, however juvenile it might be.