LUST - Using the (Unevaluated) latest and greatest tech…ģ. Seven (more) Deadly Sins of Microservicesġ.
The Seven (More) DEADLY SINS OF AT Devoxx UK & QCON NYC. Lisbon DevOps: 'Seven (More) Deadly Sins of Microservices' Lust: embracing the latest and greatest technology without evaluating the operational impact incurred by these choices. Sloth: composing services in a lazy fashion, which ultimately leads to the creation of a 'distributed monolith” Wrath: failing to deal with the inevitable bad things that occur when operating new technologies, both from the people and technical aspects Pride: the admission of the challenges with testing in a distributed systemĮnvy: introducing inappropriate intimacy within services by creating a shared “canonical” domain model Daniel Bryant introduces seven deadly sins from real projects, which left unchecked could easily ruin your next microservices project.ĭaniel offers an updated tour of some of the nastiest anti-patterns in microservices from several real-world projects he’s encountered as a consultant, providing a series of anti-pattern “smells” to watch out for and exploring the tools and techniques you need to avoid or mitigate the potential damage.
It’s often a sign of an architectural approach’s maturity that anti-patterns begin to be identified and classified alongside well-established principles and practices. All is not completely rosy in microservice-land.