In your second turn, you can attack the settlement east of you - Longship Graveyard. At the beginning of third turn, attack Longship Graveyard. When the Norscans raid and plunder other lands, it is with hordes of barbarian warriors backed up by trolls, mammoths, fimir, skin-wolves and even mighty frost-drakes.
You’ll also need to be regularly raiding and (especially) sacking rich settlements to pay for your war effor… Steam. The Monstrous Arcanum is an ancient book which contains monster hunt quests. In the ninth turn, upgrade Loot Pile to Trophies of Battle in Longship Graveyard. The Norsca faction (unless specified, I’ll just be using ‘Norsca’ to mean both them and Wintertooth) do not use the Total War: WarhammerHorde mechanics like Beastmen and Chaos, but operate quite like those factions for strategic purposes. Though physically tougher and more powerful than those living an easier life in the south, the Northmen are still Men - although many of them will have their humanity warped by mutations, and their savagery and barbarism are legendary. World Walkers start in Icedrake Fjord settlement in Ice Tooth Mountains, in all campaigns.